Another thing that I noticed was that most of the men there had black tattoos while the women had colored ones. Which this could mean nothing or it could mean that women prefer colored ink over black ink. Which I do not fall in that category. For some reason I prefer my tattoos to be in black ink. And as the statistics suggest most of these people were women. For some reason more 18 to 35 year olds that have tattoos are women. And interestingly enough more women regret their tattoos and have them removed more often than a man.
I just thought I would share this because it's always nice to see these statistics in real life. If that makes any sense.
Ashley enjoys writing on her Tattoo themed blog at http://infinitetattoos.wordpress.com please stop by and drop a comment :)
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ashley_M_Ford
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